Daikagura Red

Minagawa, 1933, Chinkashū. Chūgai Catalogue, 1934-1935, p.35, erroneously as ‘Daikagura’. Wada, 1941, Japanese Garden Treasures, p.28; Tuyama, 1966, Camellia Cultivars of Japan, pl.32, p.62: One of the largest of all, full double, the type of Emperor of Russia; deep red, self coloured. Early blooming. The self red form of Daikagura. Petals exceed 30, wavy, mixed up, uneven, large and small, piled up with stamens intermixed. Leaves elliptic to broad-elliptic, thick, recurved, variegated with yellow. Syn­onyms: ‘Shangri-La’, ‘Daikagura Red’, ‘Pink Kagura’, ‘Daikagura Pink’, ‘Daikagura Rose’, ‘Daikagura Rosea’, ‘Daikagura-Kansai’. Different reading: ‘Akadaikagura’. Sports: Daik­agura, Benten-kagura. Similar to Hoshiguruma. Originated in Kantō District, Japan. Chinese synonym ‘Qiumudan’. very popular in China, see: Wang & Yü, 1981, Shancha Hua: Medium size, scarlet, peony form. Chen, Shao Yun, 1985, Camellias from Zhejiang, p.74. Gao & Zhuang, Apr.1989, The Camellia in China, p.34, No.148, Colour photo, No.73.

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