Elegans Splendor


SCCS., 1971, The Camellia Review, vol.33, No.1 as ‘C.M. Wilson Splen­dour’ with front cover colour photo. American Camellia Yearbook, 1973, p.190, Reg. No.1116: Originally registered as ‘C.M. Wilson Splendor’. The formation and leaves are the same as Ele­gans Supreme except that the colour is the soft pink of C.M. Wilson. A sport of C.M. Wilson. A notice of this name change was published in the Sept.1972 ACS., The Camellia Journal. Origi­nated at Nuccio’s Nurseries, Altadena, California, USA. Received the “Sewell Mutant Award” for 1974. See colour photos: p.84, Macoboy, 1981, The Colour Dictionary of Camellias; the front cover ACRS, 1982, Camellia News, No.83 and Encyclopedia of Camellias in Colour, vol.II, 1978, p.36, pl.49. Chinese synonym: ‘Saimudan’, (Superior Peony). See note under Elegans Cham­pagne. Orthographic variant ‘Elegans Splendour’.

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