K. Sawada

Overlook Nursery Catalogue, 1940-1941, pl.19: (US Patent No.431). This new Camellia was created by Overlook Nursery, Mobile, Alabama, USA. The flowers are pure white, very double and fully imbricated. It is usually 10-12 cm across, but often larger. It has 50-­70 petals, the edges roll inwards and symmetrically overlap each other. When fully open it sometimes shows a few petaloids or yellow stamens in the centre. It blooms mid-season. The leaves are medium in size and thickness, elliptic to lanceolate, serrated, leathery and dark green. Synonym: ‘Silver Moon’. Originated from seed imported from Japan. First flowered 1933. For black and white photo see p.188, Hertrich, 1954, Camellias in the Huntington Gardens, vol. I. Chinese synonym ‘Sawada’.


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